Resources for schools

Why separate your waste?

Separating your waste gives plastic, cardboard and cans a chance at another life, through recycling.

No Lonely bins!

Make sure bins are never on their own, always present all bins in a row to give the best chance of choosing the right bin.

Don't "wishcycle"

Remember lots of things cant be recycled. if you are unsure ask an adult or put the rubbish in general waste, putting the wrong things into recycling can impact on the ability for the right things to be recycled. Check the labels for the right way to segregate.

General waste bin label

Place this bin label on the lid of the bin and the wall behind the bin. (Don't forget to make sure bins are not left on their own)

Dry Mixed Recycling bin label

Place this bin label on your DMR bin lid and on the wall above the bin, next to your general waste bin.

Paper and Cardboard bin label

Place this bin label on your paper and cardboard bin and on the wall behind the bin, don't forget to group all the different bin types together. (No Lonely bins).

Milk bottle recycling bin label

For those that recycle their milk bottles separately for local collection, place this label on the bin lid and on the wall behind the bin.